
Atheists are my enemies, but I like atheists. I used to think I was an atheist myself, but then I became estranged from the gods, and thereby realized that the gods had existed all along. People who outright admit to being atheists are not really atheists, since if they were, they would realize that something was missing. I don’t know what a god is. I trust dreams about gods more than the traditions about them that are called religions. However, I have met a few gods, such as the Sun. Perhaps it’s true that they are all one god; if so, I must be that god.

The people who call themselves “religious” tend to be the worst atheists. I especially don’t trust what Christians say about the gods. Christianity is a form of atheism. This is true of all so-called monotheism, which is a blatantly nonsensical opinion; in particular, to claim that all gods are really the same is defensible, but to claim that the gods are different and only one of them exists, and that the rest are fake, is just silly.

Even then, I love everything that the gods have created, including the evil things. And I can see that the gods are trying to hide themselves behind atheism, so we shouldn’t seek them out. I’m a careful person. I don’t want to break the world by looking too closely at it. Atheists also understand this, even if they don’t know it, and therefore the gods want people to be atheists.