75 pages • 22,288 words
- A Breath of Life 10 words
- A Philosophy of Madness 10 words
- Água Viva 30 words
- Água Viva on mirrors 330 words
- Animals 387 words
- Animism 6 words
- Antipsychiatry 452 words
- Art 93 words
- Artificiality 294 words
- Atheism 259 words
- Bohr’s horseshoe 187 words
- The brain 220 words
- Brains aren’t real 184 words
- Calling a tree a “tree” 356 words
- Clarice Lispector 188 words
- Clarice Lispector’s writing style 866 words
- Complete Stories 11 words
- Corpus Hermeticum 139 words
- Death 558 words
- Death is Just Around the Corner 21 words
- Diary 444 words
- Don’t understand things 389 words
- Dreams 279 words
- Explanations 210 words
- Fernando Pessoa 59 words
- Gods 205 words
- My notes 144 words
- Humans 237 words
- Interesting links 95 words
- Invented meaning 749 words
- Serial Experiments: Lain 305 words
- Lifeless universe 195 words
- Literal 548 words
- Materialism 269 words
- Matter 442 words
- Meaning 274 words
- Mirrors and their reflections 312 words
- Nihilism 462 words
- Numbers 498 words
- Objective evidence for the existence of magic 495 words
- Ocean 400 words
- Owls 153 words
- Paradoxes 16 words
- Personality in dreams 441 words
- Platonism 11 words
- Podcast recommendations 41 words
- Psychoanalytic Diagnosis 11 words
- Psychosis 920 words
- Reductionism 302 words
- Religion 382 words
- Schizophrenia 36 words
- SHWEP 8 words
- Sleep 183 words
- Solipsism 245 words
- The Sun 334 words
- Synesius 26 words
- Tarot 6 words
- Tarot: Death 10 words
- Tarot: The Moon 142 words
- Tarot: Temperance 485 words
- Tarot: The Tower 367 words
- Teleological causality 320 words
- The Divided Self 16 words
- The Egg and the Chicken 16 words
- Full text: The Egg and the Chicken 3,674 words
- The Emerald 19 words
- The Passion According to G. H. 31 words
- The Unobtrusive Relational Analyst 10 words
- Thinking Being 11 words
- Truth 373 words
- Unreality 79 words
- When I wake up… 223 words
- Wikis 202 words
- Withdrawal 1,135 words
- Words 448 words