The Sun

I know from dreams that the Sun is an eye. Once, I looked directly into the Sun, and it looked back at me; it was clearly a divine being. The light was special—not like ordinary light, which is reflected off material surfaces before reaching the eye. No, the light of the Sun is pure light, which in dreams illuminate the soul directly, without mediation of the eye.

The Egyptians thought the Sun to be the right eye of Horus, or possibly of Ra.1 For Plato, the Sun is the ultimate reality of things from which everything else flows; like the Sun illuminates the Earth and thereby causes plants and animals to grow, so too does the dream-Sun illuminate thought and thereby causes souls and experiences to grow. The torchlight found in the cave is only an imitation of the true Sun.

Other stars are also suns. Well—in a sense: the Sun is the only sun for humans. The other stars were created for us so that we could look at them. Everything that can be looked at was created so that it could be looked at by someone. The world is created from the inside out. The now popular idea that consciousness comes from the brain, the brain from evolution, and evolution from matter, is absurd—it happened the other way around: the creator does not need to plan everything out in advance, because it can simply think and then the plan will work itself out subconsciously (like when a human just decides to walk somewhere and doesn’t need to think about how to move their muscles to get there), which is exactly what happened, and that’s why we evolved as we did. The stars are there because the creator wanted to look at them though us; to look at the stars as a human is beautiful in a very particular way, and the creator wants to experience it.

  1. Eye of Horus (Wikipedia)